When Should You Schedule a Maintenance Visit?

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When is the last time a professional technician looked at your air conditioning system? Was it over a year ago? Have you scheduled services since the system was installed? Most technicians recommend annual maintenance visits to keep the air conditioning system in the best possible condition. But few homeowners realize the full consequences of neglecting this service.

There May Be Problems You Aren’t Seeing

The outside portion of your air conditioning system is in plain view when you’re in your yard, and you can hear or feel when the indoor components are keeping you cool. So wouldn’t you know if there was a major issue within the system?

Not necessarily. When a part begins to fail, it won’t always show signs outwardly. You may not notice a slight increase in temperatures or a small noise within the unit, but eventually it can develop into something much worse. With a maintenance visit, a technician can identify problems early on so that you can seek out repairs ASAP, before they cost an arm and a leg to repair.

Your System Is Prepared for the Months Ahead

During a maintenance visit, your technician will also fine tune some of the components, making sure they are in optimal condition for the months ahead. They may oil the motors, screw in loose parts, tighten electrical connections, straighten bent coils, and clean the outside coil—small steps that make a big difference in how smoothly and efficiently the system operates.

Schedule Maintenance Today

We usually recommend that you schedule maintenance before the cooling season really sets in, as this can help to ensure your air conditioner is in good condition throughout the summer. However, in Florida, the weather is warm for most of the year, so winter is a perfect time to schedule maintenance. Call your local technicians today and schedule annual or twice annual service for better efficiency and comfort.

Give AC Designs Inc. a call for air conditioning maintenance services in Ponte Vedra, FL. We will deliver above your expectations.