A Guide to Selecting High Efficiency AC Equipment

ac designs team

It often comes as a surprise to learn that your older air conditioner needs replacement. Because homeowners sometimes feel unprepared for the unexpected cost, many look for the lowest price systems available that fit their homes. However, we believe that this is a mistake. Installing a new air conditioner should involve careful consideration and attention to the size of the new system as well as its efficiency rating. Here’s a quick guide to why this matters.

High-Efficiency AC Equipment and Your Bills

If you choose a system simply because it seems cost-effective, it’s unlikely that it will be very efficient. Your monthly energy bills will reflect this, and the overall cost of operation and upkeep will eventually exceed the overall cost of a high-efficiency air conditioner. High-efficiency AC equipment is designed to run using as little energy as possible to cool a given space. As long as the conditions in your home are right and you schedule routine maintenance every year, your cooling costs should remain relatively low. But first, you must know how to select an efficient air conditioner.

Understanding the SEER

The SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) is a measurement of how much energy is necessary to cool a given space during the average cooling system. The higher the SEER, the less energy your system uses. Here in Florida, the minimum SEER for an air conditioner installed in any home is 14 (though this number is 13 in some other parts of the country). But the most efficient air conditioners are rated with a SEER of 16 or higher.

We strongly recommend that you choose a new air conditioner with a high SEER rating. It will perform just as well (if not better) than a less efficient system while saving you a lot of money through the cooling season. But you should know that other factors in your home may contribute to inefficient cooling. Make sure your system is properly sized, and that your ducts are leak-free by allowing a professional to inspect your HVAC system.

Do you want to get high-efficiency AC equipment in the Daytona area? Give AC Designs Inc. a call! We will deliver above your expectations.