How Can a Heat Pump Heat When it’s Chilly Outside?

ac designs team

Here in Daytona Beach, heat pumps are an attractive option for keeping your home comfortable. The system combines the functions of a heater and an air conditioner into one unit, allowing to work in the summer and the winter alike. It works best in areas where the temperature doesn’t drop below 30 degrees Fahrenheit, which means it’s optimal for homes in Florida. Even here, however, we get the occasional chilly evening, which is the one time when a heat pump might struggle. How can a heat pump heat when it’s chilly outside?

Heat pumps use the same basic system that an air conditioner does. Refrigerant gas passes through a compressor, which first subject the gas to a great deal pressure (which raises the temperature). Then the gas goes to the condenser coils, which release the heat into the outside air and condense the refrigerant to a high-pressure liquid. The liquid then travels into a series of evaporator coils, where it returns it to a gaseous state: pulling heat from the surrounding air in the process.

In the summer, the heat pump’s indoor coils acts as the evaporator, cooling the air and using a fan to blow it into your home. The compressor coils are located outside, allowing the heat to dissipate into the outside air. In the winter, the indoor coils act as the condenser coils, generating heat for use in your home while the outside coils act as evaporators and absorb heat from the outside. Even if the weather is cold, there is always some heat in the air for the heat pump to absorb. However, when the temperature gets around freezing, the heat pump will stop being able to heat efficiently. Most heat pumps are equipped with electric resistance coils that can kick on when the weather is very cold to keep your home comfortable.

If you’re interested in a heat pump in Daytona Beach, contact AC Designs, Inc. We can discuss your options with your before installing a heat pump in your home. Give us a call today!