How Stormy Weather Affects Your Air Conditioner

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We’re used to stormy weather here, and many of us don’t even worry about walking outside without an umbrella in the rain or putting on a hoodie. Still, the rain can affect our homes in ways we don’t really think of. And stormy weather may be affecting your air conditioner, and as a result, the structure of your home.

Learn more about how stormy weather can lead to an AC leak that causes damage to your home.

It’s the humidity

The rain and wind won’t necessarily damage the outside portion of your air conditioner. Though flying debris could cause some harm, the rain may actually help to cleanse the outside coil, helping the entire system to run smoothly and efficiently.

The major problem with stormy weather for your HVAC system is the humidity. If it’s humid outside, it’s probably humid in your home as well. The high moisture levels in the air can overwork your air conditioner. Condensate may not drain properly, and water could leak into your home.

How humidity leads to leaks

Typically, water vapor in the air condenses on a coil in your air conditioning system. It drips off this coil and flows into a drain line installed near the AC’s indoor unit. That’s how your air conditioner helps to dehumidify your home.

But there are a few ways this system can go wrong. If your air conditioner simply is not designed to take on that level of humidity, it could overflow. Or the drain line may get clogged, requiring a cleanout to keep water from backing up into the home.

Schedule maintenance services

We recommend that you schedule air conditioning maintenance once or twice a year—every year. This way, your air conditioner gets an inspection, and your technician can tell you whether your condensate line needs to be cleaned, or if you need a condensate pump to help prevent condensate leakage.

Give AC Designs Inc. a call for AC services in Arlington and throughout the Jacksonville area. We will deliver above your expectations!