3 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair Today

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One of the most important things you can do for your air conditioner is to schedule service as soon as you notice a major problem with the system. But some people are uncertain of how to recognize and identify an issue with an AC system. Does it really need repair right away? Or can it wait for a later date? Is your AC system in jeopardy or should you hold off until you know for sure?

A Rise in Temperatures

The temperature in your home is tolerable, but it’s not quite what you set on the thermostat. This is not something you should have to put up with. While most systems have trouble cooling a home more than 20 degrees below whatever the temperature is outside, it should not have so much trouble reaching a standard temperature setting on an average day. The sooner you call, the sooner the issue can be resolved, and you won’t have to worry about a sudden system breakdown.

Lack of Airflow

If any part of your home is not getting the right level of airflow, you should call in a technician. You should check the air filter first—it may only need cleaning. On the other hand, it could be a problem within the AC system.

More likely, however, your air ducts are leaking. Most homes have a problem with leaky air ducts, and this can cost you. You might be losing about 30% of the air your system produces as it moves into unoccupied spaces like the attic or crawlspace. And yet, you still pay for it!

A Frozen Coil

This is a problem you cannot afford to put off. It may seem normal for a cooling system to freeze, but it simply isn’t. Once more, you should check on the air filter, as lack off airflow could affect temperatures around the evaporator coil inside of your system. Otherwise, the issue may be:

  • Leaky Refrigerant
  • Dirty Outside Coil
  • Problems with the Compressor
  • Electrical Trouble

Remember, any time you are worried about the operation of your AC system, you should call in a technician ASAP. The sooner you schedule repairs, the less likely it is to break down. And scheduling repairs sooner may cost less, since all of the parts have not yet been affected by the damage.

Give AC Designs Inc. a call for air conditioning services in Arlington and throughout the Jacksonville, FL area. We will deliver above your expectations!