Wi-Fi Thermostats Give You So Many Ways to Save

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When you want to make a major change to your annual budget, some of the littlest upgrades can make the biggest difference. The thermostat may only be a small part of your home comfort system, but the way it works can make an impact on both your comfort and the amount you pay on heating and cooling.

Whether or not your thermostat is working well, upgrading a manual thermostat or a standard programmable thermostat to a new smart thermostat can help out your budget. Check out how you can save when you have the power to control your thermostat no matter where you are.

Don’t Worry If You Left the AC On

Raising the temperature in your home by about 10-15° when you are not there can save you quite a bit on your monthly utilities. Some people are really consistent about changing the temperature before they leave for work. For others, however, life can get in the way, and it’s easy to forget.

Smart thermostats give you more control no matter where you are! Your AC controls connect to the Wi-Fi, so you can reset the temperature even while you are out. Plus, smart thermostats learn and adapt to your schedule, meaning that your daily work schedule is already accounted for.

Track Your Energy Use and Make Smarter Decisions

When your energy usage is through the roof, a smart thermostat allows you to track your energy usage and find out how you can make changes to resolve the situation. You might find out your system has been running at a higher temperature than you need at night or for longer than you need it in the mornings, but you can make minor adjustments that help a lot in the long run.

If you’re going to be home later than usual or if your flight home from vacation got delayed, you may decide to delay the preprogrammed thermostat settings simply because you know how important this minor change is to your overall bills. A smart thermostat makes you energy smart as well!

AC Designs Inc. installs Wi-Fi thermostats in Arlington and throughout the Jacksonville, FL area. We will deliver above your expectations!